Trumps Bay Chair at G2 Summit Trump G20 Baby Chair

International intergovernmental economic organization


Group of Seven
and the European Union

G7 in het Catshuis.jpg

G7 leaders during the emergency meeting about the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea, hosted by the Netherlands

Group of Seven (G7) Countries.svg

The G7-states (blue) and the European Wedlock (teal)

Fellow member states and key leaders:

United States President Joe Biden
United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
France President Emmanuel Macron
Germany (2022 Host) Chancellor Olaf Scholz
Italy Prime Minister Mario Draghi
Japan Prime Government minister Fumio Kishida
European Union
  • Commission President Ursula von der Leyen
  • Quango President Charles Michel

Abbreviation G7
Predecessor Group of Viii (G8) (reversion)
Formation 25 March 1973 ("Library Group")
1st G6 summit: 15 Nov 1975
Founder "Library Group":
  • United States George Shultz
  • West Germany Helmut Schmidt (also 1st G6 summit)
  • France Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (too 1st G6 tiptop)
  • United Kingdom Anthony Barber
  • United States (Richard Nixon)
  • West Germany (Willy Brandt)
  • France (Georges Pompidou)
  • United Kingdom (Edward Heath)

1st G6 top:
  • United States Gerald Ford
  • United Kingdom Harold Wilson
  • Italy Aldo Moro
  • Japan Miki Takeo
Founded at
  • Washington, D.C. ("Library Group")
  • Rambouillet (1st G6 summit)
Type Informal order
Purpose Political, Economic
Fields International politics

Membership (2021)

7 (and the EU)
Funding Member states

Formerly called

  • Library Group
  • Group of 6 (G6)
  • Group of Eight (G8)

The Grouping of Seven (G7) is an inter-governmental political forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Nihon, the Uk, and the United States. Its members are the earth's largest IMF advanced economies and wealthiest liberal democracies;[1] [two] the group is officially organized around shared values of pluralism and representative government.[3] Equally of 2020, the collective group accounts for a little over l percent of global cyberspace wealth (which is $418 trillion),[4] 32 to 46 percent of global gross domestic production,[n ane] and nigh 770 million people or 10 percent of the world'southward population.[5] Most members are great powers in global affairs and maintain mutually close political, economic, social, legal, environmental, military, religious, cultural, and diplomatic relations. Since the start of 2022, Germany has taken over the presidency of the G7.[half dozen]

Originating from an advert hoc gathering of finance ministers in 1973, the G7 has since get a formal, high-profile venue for discussing and analogous solutions to major global issues, especially in the areas of trade, security, economics, and climatic change.[7] Each member state'south head of regime or head of state, along with the Commission President and Council President of the Eu, see annually at the G7 summit; other loftier-ranking officials of the G7 and the Eu meet throughout the year. Representatives of other states and international organizations are often invited every bit guests, with Russia having been a formal fellow member (as part of the Grouping of Eight) from 1997 to 2014.

The G7 is not based on a treaty and has no permanent secretariat or office; its presidency rotates annually amid the fellow member states, with the presiding state setting the group's priorities, and hosting and organizing its pinnacle. While lacking a legal or institutional footing, the G7 is considered to wield pregnant international influence;[8] it has catalyzed or spearheaded several major global initiatives, including efforts to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic, provide financial assist to developing countries, and accost climate change through the 2015 Paris Agreement.[8] [3] [9] The group has been criticized for its allegedly outdated and limited membership, narrow global representation, and ineffectualness;[10] it is also opposed by anti-globalization groups, which ofttimes protest at summits.

History [edit]

Origins [edit]

The concept of a forum for the capitalist globe's major industrialized countries emerged earlier the 1973 oil crisis. On 25 March 1973, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, George Shultz, convened an informal gathering of finance ministers from W Germany (Helmut Schmidt), France (Valéry Giscard d'Estaing), and the United Kingdom (Anthony Barber) before an upcoming coming together in Washington, D.C. U.South. President Richard Nixon offered the White House as a venue, and the coming together was later held in its library on the ground flooring;[xi] the original group of four consequently became known every bit the "Library Group".[12] In mid-1973, at the Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Shultz proposed the improver of Nippon, which all members accepted.[11] The informal gathering of senior fiscal officials from the U.Due south., U.K., Due west Federal republic of germany, Japan, and France became known as the "Group of Five".[13]

In 1974, all five members endured sudden and frequently troubled changes in leadership. French President Georges Pompidou abruptly died, leading to two rounds of presidential elections in a unmarried year that were closely won past Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. West German Chancellor Willy Brandt, American President Richard Nixon, and Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka all resigned due to scandals. In the United Kingdom, a hung election led to a minority government whose subsequent instability prompted another election the same year. Consequently, Nixon'due south successor, Gerald Ford, proposed a retreat the following year for the group's new leaders to learn about one another.

Start summit and expansion [edit]

At the initiative of Giscard d'Estaing and his German counterpart, Helmut Schmidt, France hosted a 3-day summit in November 1975, inviting the Group of Five plus Italia, forming the "Grouping of Half-dozen" (G6).[14] Taking place at the Château de Rambouillet, the meeting focused on several major economic issues, including the oil crisis, the collapse of the Bretton-Woods system, and the ongoing global recession.[fifteen] The result was the fifteen-signal "Proclamation of Rambouillet", which, among other positions, announced the group'due south united commitment to promoting free trade, multilateralism, cooperation with the developing globe, and rapprochement with the Eastern Bloc.[16] The members also established plans for future gatherings to take place regularly every twelvemonth.

In 1976, British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, who had participated in the get-go G6 superlative, resigned from role; Schmidt and Ford believed the group needed an English language speaker with more than political feel, and advocated for inviting Pierre Trudeau, who had been Prime Minister of Canada for viii years – significantly longer than any G6 leader. Canada was also the next largest advanced economy after the G6 members.[17] The summit in Dorado, Puerto Rico later that yr became the kickoff of the current Group of Vii (G7).[xv]

In 1977, the United Kingdom, which hosted that twelvemonth's meridian, invited the European Economical Community to join all G7 summits; showtime in 1981, it had attended every gathering through the president of the European Commission and the leader of the country holding the presidency of the Council of the European Matrimony.[xviii] Since 2009, the then-newly established Council President of the EU, who serves equally the Union's principal strange representative, also regularly attends the summits.

Rising contour [edit]

Until the 1985 Plaza Accord, meetings between the seven governements' finance ministers were not public knowledge. The Accord, which involved merely the original Group of 5, was appear the 24-hour interval before information technology was finalized, with a communiqué issued afterwards.[19] The 1980s also marked the G7's expanded concerns beyond macroeconomic bug, namely with respect to international security and disharmonize; for example, it sought to accost the ongoing conflicts between Iran and Iraq and betwixt the Soviet Union and Afghanistan.

Following the 1994 summit in Naples, Russian officials held separate meetings with leaders of the G7. This informal arrangement was dubbed the "Political 8" (P8), colloquially the G7+1. At the invitation of the G7 leaders, Russian President Boris Yeltsin was invited commencement as a guest observer, later on as a full participant. After the 1997 meeting, Russian federation was formally invited to the next meeting and formally joined the group in 1998, resulting in the Grouping of Viii (G8).[15] Russia was an outlier in the group, as it lacked the national wealth and financial weight of other members, had never been a major advanced economy, and was not yet an established liberal democracy.[20] [21] Its invitation, fabricated during a hard transition to a postal service-communist economic system, is believed to have been motivated by a desire to encourage its political and economical reforms and international appointment.

Russia's membership was suspended in March 2014 in response to its annexation of Crimea.[22] Members stopped short of permanently ejecting the country,[23] and in subsequent years expressed an openness or express want to reinstate Russian participation. Still, Russia announced its permanent divergence in 2017; the post-obit year, the G7 announced further sanctions on the state for its intervention in Ukraine. In 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump, backed by Italian Prime Government minister Giuseppe Conte, advocated for Russian federation'south return; all other members rejected the proposal, and Russia expressed no interest.[24]

Renewed calls for expanded membership [edit]

There have been various proposals to expand the G7. The U.Southward.-based Atlantic Council has held the "D-x Strategy Forum" since 2014 with representatives from what it calls "leading democracies" which back up a "rules-based democratic lodge": Australia, Canada, French republic, Frg, Italy, Nippon, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the The states, plus the Eu. Several democratic countries – including India, Indonesia, Poland, and Espana – participate equally observers.[25] Centered around a similar mandate as the G7, the D-10 has been considered past some analysts to be an alternative to the group;[26] This is besides favored by various think tanks and British leader Boris Johnson.[25]

In 2019 under Putin, Russia had signaled back up for the inclusion of Communist china, India, and Turkey if the U.South. reinstates the Russian membership.[27]

In 2020 under Trump, the U.Due south. had signaled support for the inclusion of Australia, Brazil, India, and South korea, plus the reincorporation of Russia.[28] [29]

Boris Johnson invited members Australia and South korea to the June 2021 G7 summit.[26] Bharat was also invited to the 2021 summit, so as to "deepen the expertise and experience around the table" along with the other guests, co-ordinate to a U.K. government argument.[xxx]

In 2021, French jurist and consultant Eric Garner de Béville, a member of the Cercle Montesquieu, proposed Spain's membership to the G7.[31] American Chargé d'Affaires in Spain, Conrad Tribble, stated that the United States "enthusiastically supports" a "greater" role of Spanish leadership at the international level.[32]

Activities and initiatives [edit]

Host venues of G7 summits in Europe

Host venues of G7 summits in North America

Host venues of G7 summits in Japan

The G7 was founded primarily to facilitate shared macroeconomic initiatives in response to contemporary economical problems; the beginning gathering was centered around the Nixon shock, the 1970s energy crisis, and the ensuing global recession.[33] Since 1975, the group has met annually at summits organized and hosted by whichever country occupies the annually-rotating presidency;[34] since 1987, the G7 Finance Ministers have met at least semi-annually, and upwards to four times a yr at stand-solitary meetings.[35]

First in the 1980s, the G7 broadened its areas of concern to include issues of international security, human rights, and global security; for example, during this period, the G7 concerned itself with the ongoing Islamic republic of iran-Iraq War and Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.[34] In the 1990s, it launched a debt-relief program for the 42 heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC);[36] provided $300 one thousand thousand to assistance build the Shelter Construction over the damaged reactor at Chernobyl;[37] and established the Fiscal Stability Forum to aid in "managing the international budgetary system".[38]

At the turn of the 21st century, the G7 began emphasizing engagement with the developing globe. At the 1999 top, the group helped launch the G20, a similar forum made up of the G7 and the adjacent 13 largest economies (including the European Spousal relationship), in order to "promote dialogue between major industrial and emerging market countries";[38] the G20 has been touted by some of its members as a replacement for the G7.[39] Having previously announced a programme to cancel xc% of bilateral debt for the HIPC, totaling $100 billion, in 2005 the G7 announced debt reductions of "up to 100%" to be negotiated on a "case by case" basis.[40]

Post-obit the global fiscal crunch of 2007–2008, which was the worst of its kind since the 1970s,[41] the G7 met twice in Washington, D.C. in 2008 and in Rome the following Feb.[42] [43] News media reported that much of the world was looking to the group for leadership and solutions.[44] G7 finance ministers pledged to take "all necessary steps" to stem the crunch,[45] devising an "aggressive action programme" that included providing publicly-funded capital letter infusions to banks in danger of declining.[46] Some analysts criticized the group for seemingly advocating that individual governments develop their own responses to the recession, rather than cohere around a united endeavor.[47]

In subsequent years, the G7 has faced several geopolitical challenges that accept led some international analysts to question its credibility,[48] or suggest its replacement by the G20.[49] On two March 2014, the G7 condemned the Russian Federation for its "violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine" through its military intervention.[l] The group likewise announced its commitment to "mobilize rapid technical aid to support Ukraine in addressing its macroeconomic, regulatory and anti-abuse challenges", while adding that the International Monetary Fund (Imf) was all-time suited to stabilizing the country's finances and economy.[50]

In response to Russia'south subsequent annexation of Crimea, on 24 March the G7 convened an emergency meeting at the official residence of the Prime number Minister of the Netherlands, the Catshuis in The Hague; this location was chosen because all G7 leaders were already present to attend the 2014 Nuclear Security Summit hosted by holland. This was the first G7 coming together neither taking identify in a fellow member state nor having the host leader participating in the meeting.[51] The upcoming G8 summit in Sochi, Russia was moved to Brussels, where the Eu was the host. On 5 June 2014 the G7 condemned Moscow for its "continuing violation" of Ukraine's sovereignty and stated they were prepared to impose farther sanctions on Russia.[52] This meeting was the showtime since Russia was suspended from the G8,[52] and subsequently it has non been involved in any G7 summit.

The G7 has continued to take a strong stance confronting Russian federation's "destabilising behaviour and malign activities" in Ukraine and elsewhere effectually the globe, following the joint communique from the June 2021 summit in the U.K.[53] The grouping likewise called on Russia to address international cybercrime attacks launched from inside its borders, and to investigate the utilise of chemic weapons on Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.[53] The June 2021 summit too saw the G7 commit to helping the globe recover from the global COVID-nineteen pandemic (including plans to help vaccinate the unabridged world); encourage further action confronting climate change and biodiversity loss; and promote "shared values" of pluralism and democracy.[thirty]

Summit organization [edit]

The annual G7 superlative is attended by each fellow member'southward caput of government.[54] The fellow member country holding the G7 presidency is responsible for organizing and hosting the year's summit. The serial annual summits can exist parsed chronologically in arguably singled-out means, including as the sequence of host countries for the summits has recurred over fourth dimension and series.[55] Mostly every country hosts the summit once every seven years.[56]

Besides a principal meeting in June or July a number of other meetings may accept place throughout the year; in 2021 for example, seven tracks existed for finance (4-v June 2021), environmental (xx and 21 May 2021), health (three - 4 June 2021), trade (27 - 28 May 2021), interior (7–9 September) digital and technology (28-29 April 2021), development (3 - 5 May 2021) and foreign ministers.[57]

List of summits [edit]

# Date Host Host leader Location held Notes
1st xv–17 Nov 1975 France Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Château de Rambouillet, Yvelines The first and concluding G6 summit.
2nd 27–28 June 1976 United States Gerald R. Ford Dorado, Puerto Rico[58] Also chosen "Rambouillet Ii". Canada joined the group, forming the G7. [58]
3rd 7–8 May 1977 United kingdom James Callaghan London, England The President of the European Commission was invited to join the annual G7 summits.
fourth 16–17 July 1978 West Federal republic of germany Helmut Schmidt Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia
fifth 28–29 June 1979 Japan Masayoshi Ōhira Tokyo
6th 22–23 June 1980 Italia Francesco Cossiga Venice, Veneto Prime Government minister Ōhira died in role on 12 June; Strange Minister Saburō Ōkita led the delegation that represented Nippon.
7th twenty–21 July 1981 Canada Pierre E. Trudeau Montebello, Québec
8th 4–6 June 1982 France François Mitterrand Versailles, Yvelines
9th 28–30 May 1983 United States Ronald Reagan Williamsburg, Virginia
10th 7–9 June 1984 United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher London, England
11th 2–4 May 1985 West Germany Helmut Kohl Bonn, Due north Rhine-Westphalia
12th iv–vi May 1986 Nihon Yasuhiro Nakasone Tokyo
13th 8–10 June 1987 Italian republic Amintore Fanfani Venice, Veneto
14th 19–21 June 1988 Canada Brian Mulroney Toronto, Ontario
15th xiv–xvi July 1989 French republic François Mitterrand Paris, Paris
16th 9–11 July 1990 United states of america George H. W. Bush Houston, Texas
17th 15–17 July 1991 United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland John Major London, England
18th six–8 July 1992 Frg Helmut Kohl Munich, Bavaria The commencement G7 tiptop in reunified Germany.
19th vii–9 July 1993 Japan Kiichi Miyazawa Tokyo
20th viii–x July 1994 Italia Silvio Berlusconi Naples, Campania
21st fifteen–17 June 1995 Canada Jean Chrétien Halifax, Nova Scotia
22nd 27–29 June 1996 France Jacques Chirac Lyon, Rhône The first acme to debut international organizations, namely the United nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade System.[59]
23rd 20–22 June 1997 United States Beak Clinton Denver, Colorado Russia joined the group, forming the G8.
24th 15–17 May 1998 United Kingdom Tony Blair Birmingham, W Midlands
25th 18–20 June 1999 Deutschland Gerhard Schröder Cologne, N Rhine-Westphalia The first summit of the G20 major economies at Berlin.
26th 21–23 July 2000 Nippon Yoshirō Mori Nago, Okinawa S Africa was invited to the summit for the offset fourth dimension, and was thereafter invited annually without intermission until the 38th G8 acme in 2012. With permission from a G8 leader, other nations were invited to the summit on a journal basis for the commencement time. Nigeria, Algeria, and Senegal accustomed their invitations hither. The Earth Health Organization was also invited for the commencement time.[59]
27th 21–22 July 2001 Italia Silvio Berlusconi Genoa, Liguria Leaders from Bangladesh, Mali, and El Salvador accepted their invitations here.[59] Demonstrator Carlo Giuliani was shot and killed past the Carabinieri during a violent demonstration. I of the largest and most violent anti-globalization movement protests occurred during the acme.[sixty] Following those events and the September 11 attacks ii months later in 2001, the summits have been held at more remote locations.
28th 26–27 June 2002 Canada Jean Chrétien Kananaskis, Alberta Russian federation gained permission to officially host a G8 Elevation.
29th 1–three June 2003 France Jacques Chirac Évian-les-Bains, Haute-Savoie The G8+5 was unofficially formed when China, India, Brazil, and Mexico were invited to this summit for the showtime time (the other member of the +5 was South Africa). Other first-time nations that were invited past the French president included Egypt, Morocco, Saudi arabia, Malaysia, and Switzerland.[59]
30th eight–10 June 2004 United States George W. Bush Sea Isle, Georgia A record number of leaders from 12 different nations accustomed their invitations here. Among a couple of veteran nations, the others were: Ghana, Transitional islamic state of afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Hashemite kingdom of jordan, Turkey, Yemen, and Uganda.[59] The state funeral of old President Ronald Reagan took identify in Washington during the top. Many of the G8 leaders attended this funeral, along with twenty other heads of country.
31st 6–8 July 2005 United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland Tony Blair Gleneagles, Scotland The G8+five was officially formed. On the 2d day of the meeting, suicide bombers killed 52 people on the London Underground and a charabanc. Ethiopia and Tanzania were invited for the outset time. The African Matrimony and the International Free energy Agency made their debut hither.[59] 225,000 people took to the streets of Edinburgh every bit part of the Make Poverty History entrada calling for Merchandise Justice, Debt Relief and Amend Aid. Numerous other demonstrations also took identify challenging the legitimacy of the G8.[61]
32nd 15–17 July 2006 Russia
(G8 member, non G7)[20]
Vladimir Putin Strelna, Saint petersburg The only G8 elevation held in Russia. The International Atomic Energy Agency and UNESCO made their debut here.[59]
33rd 6–8 June 2007 Germany Angela Merkel Heiligendamm, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Seven different international organizations accepted their invitations to this top. The Organization for Economical Co-functioning and Development and the Republic of Contained States made their debut hither.[59]
34th 7–nine July 2008 Japan Yasuo Fukuda Tōyako, Hokkaidō Australia, Indonesia, and South Korea accepted their G8 summit invitations for the first time.[59]
35th eight–10 July 2009 Italy Silvio Berlusconi L'Aquila, Abruzzo This G8 tiptop was originally planned to be held in La Maddalena (Sardinia), but was moved to L'Aquila as a way of showing Prime Minister Berlusconi'southward want to assistance the region after the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake.[62] With 15 invited countries, it was the most heavily attended summit in the history of the group. Angola, Denmark, Netherlands, and Kingdom of spain accepted their invitations for the first time.[63] A record of xi international organizations were represented in this summit. For the first fourth dimension, the Food and Agronomics Organization, the International Fund for Agricultural Evolution, the World Food Plan, and the International Labour Organisation accustomed their invitations.[64]
36th 25–26 June 2010[65] Canada Stephen Harper Huntsville, Ontario[66] Malawi, Republic of colombia, Haiti, and Jamaica accustomed their invitations for the first time.[67]
37th 26–27 May 2011 France Nicolas Sarkozy Deauville,[68] [69] Calvados Guinea, Niger, Côte d'Ivoire, and Tunisia accepted their invitations for the first time. The League of Arab States made its debut in the meeting.[seventy]
38th 18–19 May 2012 United States Barack Obama Camp David, Maryland The acme was originally planned for Chicago, along with the NATO summit,[71] but on 5 March 2012 an official announcement was made that the summit would exist held at the more private location of Campsite David, and starting one day earlier than previously scheduled.[72] The second summit in which one of the leaders, in this instance Vladimir Putin, declined to participate. The summit full-bodied on the core leaders only, as no not-G8 leaders or international organizations were invited.
39th 17–18 June 2013 United Kingdom David Cameron Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland[73] As in 2012, only the core members of the G8 attended this coming together. The four main topics that were discussed here were trade, regime transparency, tackling taxation evasion, and the ongoing Syrian crisis.[74]
40th 4–5 June 2014 European union Herman Van Rompuy
José Manuel Barroso
Brussels, Belgium This height was originally planned to be held in Sochi, Russia, simply was relocated, with Russia disinvited, due to the latter's looting of Crimea.[75] [76] Thus, the grouping reverted from G8 dorsum to G7. (There was an emergency meeting in March 2014 in The Hague.)
41st seven–8 June 2015 Germany Angela Merkel Schloss Elmau, Bavaria[77] The summit was focused on the global economy, as well equally on central issues regarding strange, security, and development policy.[78] The Global Apollo Programme was besides on the agenda.[79]
42nd 26–27 May 2016[80] [81] Japan Shinzō Abe Shima, Mie Prefecture[82] The G7 leaders aimed to accost challenges affecting the growth of the globe economy, similar slowdowns in emerging markets and drops in cost of oil. The G7 likewise issued a warning to the United Kingdom that "a UK get out from the EU would reverse the trend towards greater global trade and investment, and the jobs they create and is a further serious risk to growth."[83] Commitment to an EU–Japan Free Trade Agreement.
43rd 26–27 May 2017[84] Italian republic Paolo Gentiloni Taormina, Sicily[85] The G7 leaders emphasized common endeavours: catastrophe the Syrian crisis, fulfilling the UN mission in Great socialist people's libyan arab jamahiriya, and reducing the presence of ISIS, ISIL, and Da'esh in Syrian arab republic and Republic of iraq. North korea was urged to comply with United nations resolutions, and Russian responsibility for the Ukrainian conflict was stressed. Supporting economical action and ensuring price stability was demanded, while inequalities in merchandise and gender were called to be challenged. It was agreed to assistance countries in creating weather that accost the drivers of migration: ending hunger, increasing competitiveness, and advancing global wellness security.[86] [87]
44th eight–nine June 2018 Canada[88] Justin Trudeau La Malbaie, Québec The summit took place at the Manoir Richelieu. Prime number Minister Trudeau announced five themes for Canada's G7 presidency, which began in Jan 2018. Climate, forth with commerce trades, was one of the main themes. "Working together on climate change, oceans and make clean energy."[89] The last statement contained 28 points. U.s.a. President Donald Trump did non agree to the economical section of the last statement.[90] The G7 members also announced to recall sanctions and to be ready to take farther restrictive measures confronting Russian Federation for its failure to implement the Minsk Protocol completely.[91]
45th 24–26 August 2019 France[92] Emmanuel Macron Biarritz, Pyrénées-Atlantiques Information technology was agreed at the summit that the World Trade Arrangement, "with regard to intellectual property protection, to settle disputes more swiftly and to eliminate unfair trade practices", "to simplify regulatory barriers and modernize international revenue enhancement within the framework of the OECD", "to ensure that Iran never acquires nuclear weapons and to foster peace and stability in the region", and "to back up a truce in Libya that will lead to a long-term ceasefire." The summit also addressed the Russian military intervention in Ukraine and the 2019 Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protests.[93] [94] [95] [96]
46th Cancelled United States (planned)[92] Donald Trump (planned) Camp David, Maryland (planned) The summit was originally to be held in Campsite David, Maryland, just was officially postponed on 19 March 2020 due to the concerns over the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, and was planned to be replaced by a global videoconference,[97] but in the end, no meeting was held.
47th[98] 11–xiii June 2021 United Kingdom Boris Johnson Carbis Bay, Cornwall, England[99] The top reached provisional agreement on a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15%.[100]
48th[101] 26–28 June 2022 Deutschland[86] Olaf Scholz Schloss Elmau, Bavaria[102]
49th TBD, 2023 Nippon[86] Fumio Kishida TBD venue TBD in June 2022, candidates: Nagoya, Hiroshima and Fukuoka [103]
50th TBD, 2024 Italy[86] TBD TBD

State leaders and Eu representatives (every bit of 2022) [edit]

Current leaders [edit]

Member Representative(s) Government minister of Finance Central Bank Governor
Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland Governor Tiff Macklem
France President Emmanuel Macron Minister of the Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire Governor François Villeroy de Galhau
Germany Chancellor Olaf Scholz Minister of Finance Christian Lindner President Jens Weidmann
Italy Prime Minister Mario Draghi Minister of Economy and Finance Daniele Franco Governor Ignazio Visco
Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Minister of Finance Shunichi Suzuki Governor Haruhiko Kuroda
United kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak Governor Andrew Bailey
United states President Joe Biden Secretarial assistant of the Treasury Janet Yellen Chair Jerome Powell
European Union Council President[104] Charles Michel Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni President Christine Lagarde
Committee President[104] Ursula von der Leyen

Member country data [edit]

The G7 is composed of the seven wealthiest advanced countries. The People's Democracy of People's republic of china, according to its data, would exist the second-largest with 17.90% of the earth net wealth,[105] but is excluded because the International monetary fund and other main global institutions do not consider China an advanced country[ citation needed ] and because of its relatively low internet wealth per adult and Homo Evolution Index.[20] As of 2021, Crédit Suisse reports the G7 (without the European union) represents around 53% of the global internet wealth;[106] including the Eu, the G7 accounts for over 60% of the global net wealth.[106]

Member Trade mil. USD (2014) Nom. GDP mil. USD (2019)[107] PPP Gross domestic product mil. USD (2019)[107] Nom. GDP per capita USD (2019)[107] PPP GDP per capita USD (2019)[107] HDI (2017) Population (2014) Permanent members of UN Security Quango DAC OECD Economic classification (Imf)[108]
Canada 947,200 ane,736,426 ane,920,997 46,271 51,190 0.926 35,467,000 Red X N Green tick Y Green tick Y Advanced
France 1,212,300 ii,715,818 3,228,039 41,896 49,798 0.901 63,951,000 Green tick Y Green tick Y Green tick Y Advanced
Frg 2,866,600 3,861,550 4,672,006 46,472 56,226 0.936 80,940,000 Red X North Green tick Y Green tick Y Avant-garde
Italian republic 948,600 2,001,466 2,665,524 33,159 44,160 0.880 sixty,665,551 Red X Due north Green tick Y Green tick Y Advanced
Nippon i,522,400 5,079,916 5,450,654 twoscore,255 43,193 0.909 127,061,000 Red X North Green tick Y Green tick Y Advanced
Great britain 1,189,400 2,830,764 3,254,845 42,378 48,727 0.922 64,511,000 Green tick Y Green tick Y Green tick Y Advanced
Usa three,944,000 21,433,225 21,433,225 65,253 65,253 0.924 318,523,000 Green tick Y Green tick Y Green tick Y Avant-garde
Eu (2014) 4,485,000 xviii,527,116 18,640,411 36,645 36,869 0.899 505,570,700 Due north/A Green tick Y Due north/A Emerging and Developing / Advanced[109]

Member facts [edit]

  • seven of the 9 superlative-ranked advanced economies with the electric current largest GDP and with the highest national wealth (The states, Japan, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Canada).[110]
  • 7 of the fifteen top-ranked countries with the highest net wealth per capita (United states, French republic, Nippon, Britain, Italy, Canada, Germany).
  • seven of x top-ranked leading consign countries.[111]
  • 5 of 10 top-ranked countries with the largest gold reserves (U.s.a., Germany, Italy, France, Japan).
  • 7 of ten top-ranked economies (past nominal Gross domestic product), according to latest (2016 data) Imf'southward statistics.
  • 4 countries with a nominal GDP per capita in a higher place US$40,000 (The states, Canada, Germany, Japan).
  • 4 countries with a sovereign wealth fund, administered by either a national or a state/provincial regime (United States, French republic, Canada, Italy).[112]
  • seven of thirty top-ranked nations with large amounts of foreign-substitution reserves in their cardinal banks.
  • 3 out of 9 countries having nuclear weapons (France, Great britain, United States),[113] [114] plus ii countries that have nuclear weapon sharing programs (Germany, Italian republic).[115] [116]
  • all 5 of the members of the NATO Quint (U.S., U.Chiliad., France, Federal republic of germany, Italy) and Canada is also member of 5 Optics intelligence gathering body with U.S. and U.K.
  • 6 of the nine largest nuclear energy producers (United States, French republic, Japan, Deutschland, Canada, United kingdom), although Germany announced in 2011 that information technology volition close all of its nuclear power plants past 2022.[117] Following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, Nippon shut downward all of its nuclear reactors.[118] Yet, Japan restarted several nuclear reactors, with the refueling of other reactors underway.
  • 7 of the 10 top donors to the UN upkeep for the 2016 annual fiscal yr.
  • five countries with an HDI for 2018 of 0.9 and college (United States, Frg, United Kingdom, Canada, Nippon).
  • 2 countries with the highest credit rating from Standard & Poor'southward, Fitch, and Moody's at the same time (Canada and Germany).[119]
  • 3 countries are constitutional monarchies (United Kingdom, Canada, Japan), 2 are presidential or semi-presidential republics (French republic, United States) and ii are parliamentary republics (Germany and Italy).
  • iv countries are located in Europe (French republic, Federal republic of germany, Italy, United Kingdom), 2 in N America (Canada, United States) and 1 in Asia (Japan).

Criticism and controversy [edit]

2014 suspension and subsequent exclusion of Russian federation [edit]

In March 2014 Russian federation was suspended by G7 members from the political forum G8 following the annexation of Crimea. In January 2017, Russia announced it would permanently leave the G8, which came into effect June 2018.[120] [121] [122] [123] [124]

2015 protests [edit]

Nearly 7,500 protesters led by the group 'Stop-G7' demonstrated during the summit. Almost 300 of those managed to reach the iii chiliad loftier and seven km long security fence surrounding the meridian location despite Germany's immense efforts to prevent it and despite its remote location – the luxury hotel Schloss Elmau at the foot of the Wetterstein mountains (altitude of 1,008 grand (3,307 ft) above sea level). The protesters questioned the legitimacy of the G7 to make decisions that could touch on the whole globe. Authorities had banned demonstrations in the closer area of the summit location and 20,000 police were on duty in Southern Bavaria to keep activists and protesters from interfering with the summit.[125] [126]

2018 Trump conflict over tariffs and Russian federation [edit]

The 2018 meeting in Charlevoix, Canada, was marred by fractious negotiations concerning tariffs and Donald Trump'southward position that Russia should be reinstated to the G7. The Trump administration had just imposed steel and aluminum tariffs on many countries, including European countries that are fellow members of the G7, and Canada, the host state for the 2018 meeting. Trump expressed dismay at Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau for property a printing conference in which Canada restated its position on tariffs (a public criticism of Trump'southward economical policy), and directed his representatives at the meeting to not sign the economic section of the joint communiqué that is typically issued at the conclusion of the meeting. German Chancellor Angela Merkel described Trump's behavior as a "depressing withdrawal," while French President Emmanuel Macron invited him "to be serious."[127] In the terminal statement signed by all members except the U.s., G7 appear its intention to recall sanctions and to be ready to have further restrictive measures within the next months against the Russian Federation for its failure to completely implement the Minsk Agreement.[91]

Trump repeated calls for Russian federation to be re-admitted to the group in the 2019 meeting in Biarritz, saying information technology should exist included in discussions relating to Islamic republic of iran, Syria, and N Korea. The Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte supported Trump's proposal, Shinzo Abe of Japan was neutral, and the rest of the G7 pushed back against the proposition, after which the atmosphere allegedly became "tense".[ commendation needed ]

2019 Amazon rainforest fires and Brazil [edit]

U.Due south. President Donald Trump's reiteration that Russia should be readmitted to the grouping (see above), instigation of a merchandise war with Mainland china, increased tensions in Iran, Trump'southward alleged reluctance to attend the conference and a number of international crises made the 2019 G7 meeting in Biarritz, France the about divided since its inception. Post-obit Trump'southward previous rescinding of his signature to a joint communiqué agreed in 2018 due to an alleged slight from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (see to a higher place), French President Emmanuel Macron agreed that the grouping would not consequence a articulation communiqué at the Biarritz conference.[128]

The G7 nations pledged US$20 million to help Brazil and other countries in South America to fight the wildfires. This money was welcomed, although it was widely seen as "relatively small corporeality" given the calibration of the problem.[129] Macron threatened to cake a major trade deal betwixt European Union and Brazil (Mercosur) that would benefit the agricultural interests accused of driving deforestation.[130]

See besides [edit]

  • Listing of G7 leaders
  • Build Back Better World
  • Adult country
  • E7 (countries)
  • G4 (Eu)
  • G6 (European union)
  • Grouping of Eight (G8)
  • G8+5
  • G10 currencies
  • Group of Twelve (G12)
  • G20
  • List of country groupings
  • List of multilateral costless-trade agreements
  • NATO Quint
  • Slap-up power

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Depending on whether nominal values or purchasing power parity is used.

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External links [edit]

  • 2022 G7 presidency Germany
  • 2021 G7 presidency U.k.
  • G7/8 Data Centre – University of Toronto


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