How to Feed in Pokemon Amie


Pokemon Amie is a whole new way to interact with your Pokemon in X and Y. Amie allows you to pet and play with your Pokemon, feed them, and complete mini-games with them. Of course, it's not all just fun and games with Pokemon Amie - there are some real benefits to taking the extra time with your Pokemon.

First and foremost, Pokemon Amie is how you raise your Pokemon's Affection. Affection should not be confused with Happiness - that stat is still raised by using the Pokemon in battle, not letting it faint, not using bitter medicines, etc. Like Happiness, Affection is necessary for Sylveon to evolve, however.

In addition to Affection, Pokemon Amie allows you to gauge your Pokemon's Fullness and Enjoyment. These stats are based off of feeding your Pokemon Poke Puffs and playing mini-games with them.

In battle, an affectionate Pokemon will look to you when waiting for your commands.

Pokemon Amie's most significant benefit can be seen when battling using a Pokemon with higher affection. You'll begin to notice differences in your Pokemon's behavior as it becomes more affecitonate. It will bounce or sway slightly as it enters battle, look back to you before you take your turn, or even alter the battle's dialog.

Once a Pokemon reaches 2 hearts of Affection, it will gain a bonus 20% experience. This also applies to the Experience Share, meaning that with a full team of Affectionate Pokemon, all those who participate in the battle will earn 120% of the normal experience, and those who don't still earn 60% of the normal experience. Affectionate Pokemon can also evade attacks, land more critical hits, and even endure a hit that would otherwise make them faint!

Affection, Fullness, and Enjoyment

Some actions make Pokemon a little happyOther actions make Pokemon very happy

Affection, Fullness, and Enjoyment are the three stats which you can improve through Pokemon Amie. Affection is the most significant, being a requirement for some Pokemon to evolve, and allowing the 20% experience boost. Affection is most directly influenced by petting and interacting with your Pokemon. Fullness is influenced by feeding your Pokemon, and will decrease over time. Enjoyment is based on playing mini-games with your Pokemon, and will also slowly decrease over time. Fullness and Enjoyment are parts of raising Affection as well.

You can easily see your Pokemon's stats for Affection, Fullness, and Enjoyment by opening Pokemon Amie, tapping on the Pokemon, and selecting the Switch option. This will let you see all three stats for all Pokemon in your party. It is also, as would be expected, the way you change which Pokemon you interact with in Pokemon Amie.

Petting Your Pokemon

Petting a Pokemon raises affection

One of the most obvious ways to raise your Pokemon's Affection is to pet it. Simply use the stylus to pet your Pokemon in Pokemon Amie. After a few moments, you'll see a number of hearts corresponding to how much the Pokemon liked it. With each Pokemon, there are different regions that are more effective when petting them. The head is almost always a safe bet. You may find that parts of the ears or body, especially where the Pokemon's fur changes in pattern, are more effective and earn more hearts.

Sharp pokes or petting other areas may upset Pokemon

Be careful though, as there are also places a Pokemon does not want to be petted. Any sharp motions, such as poking the screen with the stylus, are likely to upset your Pokemon rather than make them more affectionate. In general, Pokemon also don't appreciate being touched in the eyes, mouth, or anywhere else you wouldn't want someone else sticking their hand.

Interacting with Your Pokemon via the 3DS Camera

You can mimic your Pokemon's movements to begin playing a game of copycat

Sometimes your Pokemon will move slightly or make faces. If you mimic their movements so that the 3DS Camera can see your face, you can enter into a game of copycat. Your Pokemon will ask you to make specific expressions or motions, such as different faces or poses. If you do so, you can raise your Pokemon's affection even higher. It can sometimes be difficult to get the 3DS Camera to recognize your face though, so make sure you're in a well-lit room if you don't want to disappoint your Pokemon.

Feeding Your Pokemon

Feeding a Pokemon raises fullness and affection

You will begin the game with a small number of some basic Poke Puffs. You can earn more Poke Puffs by playing mini-games, and you earn higher quality Poke Puffs by playing the harder difficulties. The five different qualities of Poke Puffs are identified by the frosting and toppings on them - plain, smooth frostings are the lowest, swirled frostings are a little bit better, smooth frosting with a topping is middle-grade, and swirled frostings with toppings are the best of the common Poke Puffs. The fifth and highest tier Poke Puffs are swirled with fancy toppings, and can only be received from the Unlimited mode of the games.

Pokemon like all kinds of Poke Puffs, but each Pokemon will have slight variations in prefrences. Watch the number of hearts displayed after eating the Poke Puff to determine which your Pokemon like best. Keep in mind that better qualities will always result in more hearts too.

To actually feed your Pokemon, simply open the Poke Puffs menu in the upper left, and drag a Poke Puff down to your Pokemon's face. Make sure to hold the Poke Puff there until the Pokemon is done eating - if you remove the stylus, you'll drop the Poke Puff instead. When a Pokemon is full, they'll shake their head and refuse to eat any more.

Playing with Your Pokemon

In order to earn more Poke Puffs to feed your Pokemon, and to raise their Enjoyment, you play mini-games with your Pokemon. There are three different mini-games available, with distinct play styles. You may find it easiest to focus on mastering whichever mini-game is most suited to your own style.

Each game comes in three standard difficulties, Easy, Medium, and Hard, as well as the Unlimited difficulty. Unlimited is a special challenge mode that cycles through all three difficulties repeatedly until you run out of time. Though difficult, Unlimited offers far better rewards than even the Hard difficulty. Within each difficulty, you will be rated based on your performance, from 1 to 5 stars. You must score at least 3 stars to unlock the next difficulty up. The more stars you earn, the more Poke Puffs you receive.

Berry Picker

Berry Picker is a game of speed. Your Pokemon will appear under a tree with some berries on it, and ask you to feed them a berry. Just drag the correct berry to the Pokemon, and you'll get a point. The game lasts for 60 seconds, and the amount of time you have to respond will decrease as the number of Pokemon asking for berries increases. Be quick and be accurate to build up a large combo and a high score!

Make sure you drag the berry all the way to your Pokemon, or you'll drop it instead. Keeping your combo alive is the most important part.

Head It

Head It is a game of reaction time. Balls of yarn will fall down on your Pokemon, and you must tap them to tell them to headbutt the yarn out of the way. Getting the timing right is key, so use the little star symbol on your Pokemon's heads to know when to hit the yarn for the most points. Time the last hit against the giant yard ball just right, and you'll get a huge bonus!

Building up successful combos is important, so don't rush. This is especially true with the second type of yarn, which is shaped differently, makes a different sound, and slowly floats side to side rather than dropping straight on your Pokemon. Be careful that you don't let another ball of yarn pass these up while waiting for them to fall far enough to hit.

Tile Puzzle

Tile Puzzle is a game of pattern recognition. A moving image of your Pokemon will be broken up into pieces and shuffled up, and you have to put it back together. It's much easier to complete the puzzle if you start with the edges, just like a jigsaw puzzle. Focus on how the colors of the border blend from one to another to piece them together and then on the Pokemon themselves.

The trick to Tile Puzzle is that a piece is only ever swapped once. This means that if you know for sure where one piece goes, the piece already in that position in the spot you're swapping from. Done correctly, you will always lock two pieces into place with each swap. If you make a mistake (such as two very similarly colored border pieces) it's usually better to make a second mistake and then swap the two similar pieces. This avoids having to swap a piece all the way back across the screen to try again, which takes up more time.


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