24 Show Car Bomb Gif Baby Hands Typing Gif

Reactions can be counterpunches and coping mechanisms. They can besides exist currency. Fans become quasi-celebrities for how they react to something a glory does online. On YouTube, entire careers have blossomed from how well a creator tin react on photographic camera. Internet fame is participatory. Information technology is virtually content, just it's also about the reactions that content elicits from fans and rivals, and how other people react to those reactions.

Which is all to say that reactions are one of the more significant developments of the Internet in the past decade-plus. Beneath are, in our perfect opinions, the about important viral reactions since the turn of the millennium.

A annotation on methodology: We focused on reactions that are primarily important to Net civilization, non to history or current events. (Jeb Bush-league reacting to an awkward campaign moment by asking his supporters to "please clap" would count, for case. However, it did non make the cut for this list). Likewise, onetime media artifacts (eastward.g., "Simpsons" clips) are in play to the extent they've been adapted to Internet linguistic communication (e.g., GIFs).

Finally, the term "important" is manifestly relative. In this case, it means some combination of popular, influential and meaningful — according to our own observations and instincts. If you disagree, fight me in the comments.

1) Michael Jackson eating popcorn (circa 2007)

Michael Jackson eating popcorn from "Thriller." (Giphy)

"Popcorn" has get online shorthand for signifying that something is about to go down online — specifically, someone has kicked the wrong beehive and is virtually to become swarmed. And while at that place are many versions of this reaction, the GIF of Michael Jackson eagerly eating popcorn is the most ubiquitous (although in the waning days of 2019, Infant Yoda sipping a beverage has made a play for this throne).

"It manages to be broad enough to exist adjusted by a wide range of audiences," says Whitney Phillips, an assistant professor at Syracuse University who studies online civilisation, "but specific enough to communicate a articulate, yet yet rhetorically complex, message." That message? "Oh, this is gonna be adept."

This anticipation of a coming squall of Internet humiliation has, similar many Internet things, become weaponized. Popcorn GIFs are used as the prelude to a rightful verbal beatdown online. Only they take on a different meaning when "it'southward a Nazi sitting back and waiting for the games to begin," Phillips said. "But such is the Internet."

2) "I don't know her" (2001, circa 2010)

During a 2001 interview, a German announcer asked Mariah Carey to talk almost Beyoncé, and Carey had plenty of kind things to say. So, they asked about Jennifer Lopez. Carey's response? "I don't know her," smiling and shaking her caput.

Years later, Carey's reaction became the go-to GIF for casual dismissal. Vanity Fair dubbed 2016 "The Summertime of Non Knowing" as celebrity after celebrity took cues from Carey and publicly declared that they didn't know other famous people as a way of boosting their own reputations.

Know Your Meme, a website that tracks and researches memes, traces the apportionment of this GIF back to at least 2010, when it was pop on LiveJournal. Information technology has since ascended into reaction immortality thanks to stan accounts, which use the GIF to disavow anything that dares to challenge their idols. Stan accounts, dedicated to a specially obsessive sort of superfandom, are the self-appointed feudal lords of fandom. They wield power by speaking in the celebrity's proper noun (frequently without endorsement), growing followings of their own and influencing how fans feel near whatever exhausting drama is playing out in that celebrity'due south universe. "I don't know her" was their perfect weapon.

three) Supa Hot Burn (2011)

Unless you were on YouTube in 2011, Supa Hot Fire, a comedic character in a series of rap boxing parodies on YouTube by MrDeshawnRaw, might non mean anything to you, but you've probably seen a GIF of him in action. Supa Hot Fire is the GIF that comes subsequently the perfect virtual evisceration of someone who is being incorrect/obnoxious online.

If the Michael Jackson popcorn GIF is a reaction to a common Net feeling (bloodthirsty anticipation), Supa Hot Fire is a reaction to the feeling (gleeful schadenfreude) that made us crave "popcorn" in the commencement place.

iv) Blinking Guy (2017)

Blinking Guy is the white bread of reaction memes: overused, unavoidable and a fiddling bland. It'due south a kind of minimalist double take: a twitch, an involuntary shuttering of the eyelids. Is he alarmed, or amused?

Blinking Guy is Drew Scanlon, who at the time worked for Giant Bomb, a gaming website. He made the face up in a 2013 video for Giant Bomb'southward YouTube channel. One of the people in the video, playing Starbound, a game that (for some reason) involves farming, joked that he was "farming with my hoe" as he tilled soil. As Scanlon attempted to process the double-entendre, his eyes blinked, his face up twitched, and a reaction meme was born — a minor i, at offset, but in 2017, Blinking Guy was of a sudden everywhere, blinking at crazy news stories, bad tweets and questionable grouping-conversation messages.

v) "Kek" (circa 2005)

The Internet has a way of turning innocuous phrases and gestures into sinister ones. Information technology helped plough the "okay" mitt sign into a code for white racial solidarity. It transformed Pepe the Frog from a drawing slacker into an alt-right mascot.

"Kek," arguably, is the model of this pattern. It originated, innocently enough, with World of Warcraft, the online fantasy game: "Kek" was the Orcish word for "lol." And so when Horde players typed "lol" in the game'southward chat window to players whose characters vest to the rival Brotherhood faction (which generally doesn't speak Orcish in the game), the recipient saw "kek" instead.

Born from a translation quirk, "kek" now stands equally a nighttime symbol of the mutability of language and meaning every bit words — and people — slip from one online community to another.

At first, using "kek" instead of "lol" on image boards like 4chan meant that you were online enough to go the joke. The site evolved "kek" into something of a joking meme mythology that is exhausting and pointless to explain in depth. The important thing to know is that, as 4chan evolved into a more explicitly extremist right-wing space, memes like "kek" came along for the ride. "Kekistan" flags, begetting a resemblance to a version of a Nazi German flag, were carried by some white nationalists in Charlottesville.

6) "This is fine" (2013, 2016)

Fire emerged every bit the elemental metaphor of the 2016 ballot cycle and everything that has come up after, making fire-themed reaction GIFs a popular genre: Elmo gazing at the gods as burn down burns behind him; a clip from the show "Community" where a smiling Donald Glover, carrying a stack of pizza boxes, walks through the door only to find the room engulfed in peppery chaos; and, of course, GIFs of bodily dumpster fires. None of them capture that 2016-to-now feeling like the "This is fine" canis familiaris. Confining the burn down to a dumpster was too optimistic. No, the flames were everywhere.

Y'all've seen him: bowler lid, coffee mug, cheerful smile. The paradigm of the dog comes from a two-panel excerpt from "Gunshow," a webcomic by KC Green. The original strip from 2013 is six panels long and shows the "This is fine" domestic dog slowly being consumed by the fire around him equally he continues to believe everything's going to be okay.

A dumpster fire evokes a nasty aroma. Other fire GIFs evoke a shocking conflagration. Only "This is fine" correctly places united states in the middle of the flames, acting as if everything is normal.

seven) Oprah "Yes" (2004)


During a 2004 episode of her show, Oprah Winfrey gave everyone in the audience a car. Information technology was a beautifully engineered moment of telly, as the audience ascended into joy and pandemonium when Winfrey revealed the surprise. Cameras flicked around the studio showing an audience of screaming and crying women. Oprah was pumped, jumping onstage and pointing to the oversupply.

This scene has been distilled into a few GIFs, the almost famous of which shows Winfrey spreading her hands wide and cheering. It has become a go-to reaction GIF, one that has likely appeared in every bachelorette-party group conversation in history.

Oprah GIFs, including this 1, accept also become notable in recent years for prompting conversations nearly "digital blackface" in reaction GIFs — a conversation that applies to multiple entries on this list, depending on usage.

8) Kombucha Confront (2019)

If you're over 25, Brittany Tomlinson's incredible reaction to trying kombucha for the first time might very well accept been the first TikTok yous always watched. That alone makes it worthy of inclusion on this list, just Tomlinson's reaction also gets in on the merits. The short video is an operatic journey: disgust, surprise, rejection, reconsideration. The cycle is perfect.

Kombucha Confront is meaningful because it's not just a reaction; information technology'south many reactions, in rapid succession. It's a cluster bomb of homo emotion that reflects the burden that the modern Net puts on users as we curlicue through content that is oft hilarious then horrifying so thought-provoking then enraging then hilarious again. At the kickoff of the decade, a viral reaction needed to convey simply i emotion well. Kombucha Face up gave u.s. a total set.

9) Double rainbow (2010)

Some reactions are not ours to emulate. We can only lookout them and blot their free energy similar light from a SAD lamp. At the start of the decade, Paul Vasquez blessed us with his filmed reaction to seeing a double rainbow.

"Double rainbow all the way across the heaven," Vasquez says at one point. Information technology sounds like he'due south beginning to weep. "What does this mean?" He went on: "Information technology's then bright. Oh my god. It's so vivid and brilliant."

Uploaded to YouTube in the early days of 2010, it went viral later that year when Jimmy Kimmel tweeted it out. The original video has more than 46 meg views. Its impact goes much further, as Double Rainbow was remixed, memed and celebrated in 1 of the fullest and almost joyful meme cycles the Cyberspace has e'er seen. Information technology was an example of how viral moments very occasionally reinforce the idea that maybe we tin can accept squeamish things, after all.

10) Offset (circa always and forever)

"First" is the alpha and omega of Net reactions. People were writing "kickoff" in message boards and mailing lists before the dawn of the current century, and they will be leaving it in TikTok comments, and any app comes afterward TikTok, until the end of time.

"Beginning" simply means "I am the outset to annotate." Information technology is a mode of announcing your presence while also demonstrating that y'all accept zippo to contribute — similar yelling "Freebird!" at a concert. It is a plague. In 1999, Fark, a news commentary lath, futilely tried to stop its ascent by trolling anyone who left it as a annotate on the site. Its power only grew. Facebook is covered in "first" comments. YouTube comments are littered with "firsts" of varying degrees of irony.

Someone will comment "first" in the comments of this post. Information technology volition not be funny.

11) Crying Hashemite kingdom of jordan (2012)

The Internet is powerful plenty to transform a sports legend into an international symbol of failure. Behold Crying Jordan, the meme where you put Michael Jordan's tear-streaked face up onto annihilation losing or failing, which has become one of the about popular and persistent memes of the decade. Ironically, the image comes from a photograph taken on a day defended to Hashemite kingdom of jordan's lifetime of achievement: his 2009 induction into the Basketball Hall of Fame.

Crying Jordan ascended to the highest reaches of government. In 2016, President Barack Obama gave Jordan the Medal of Freedom. In his speech, Obama joked that Jordan was "more than than simply an Internet meme." Naturally, people on the Internet Photoshopped Crying Jordan onto images of Jordan's face at the ceremony.

12) "And I oop" (2019)

The mode in which a 2015 video by a "RuPaul's Drag Race" star became a 2019 meme associated with white teenage girls on TikTok is the perfect illustration of how meme culture works.

"And I oop" was the reaction drag queen Jasmine Masters had when, during a video rant, she hitting a sensitive function of her trunk by accident, interrupting her train of thought. Masters is a pretty well-known personality amidst "Drag Race" fans and the wider LGBTQ+ Internet, which is more or less where the phrase stayed until spring 2019, when someone on Twitter used it to react to a tweet:

The video launched "And I oop" as a mainstream reaction meme, appropriate for any situation where you're shocked into interrupting your own story with a bewildered reaction.

LGBTQ+ culture has long fed the language of online culture more broadly: "Yas" and "Yas queen," popular stan reactions, come up from 1980s ballroom civilisation in New York, from LGBTQ+ people of color. "Tea" and "shade," which are now pretty much ubiquitous online, also come up from drag.

"And I oop" followed a like path. And cheers to the rise of TikTok, the phrase is now associated with VSCO girls, a particular subculture of teen girldom that is mostly white and straight.

13) Facepalm/headdesk (circa 2004)


Facepalm, like its companion headdesk, is a reaction that predates the rise of the reaction GIF, dorsum in the aboriginal times when people used bulletin boards to talk to each other and indicating a reaction meant typing out your actions in words.

An Urban Dictionary entry for facepalm, from 2004, describes the reaction as "the act of dropping ane's face / forehead into one'due south mitt. Usually accompanied by a 'thunk' or a cry of 'D'oh!' … Usually written between asterisks in online conversation, to demonstrate an action."

Facepalm stayed relevant even every bit engineering science has empowered Net users to bear witness rather than tell when something makes them feel like joining their head and hands in a despairing gesture. What was one time a discussion placed betwixt asterisks became a GIF of Star Expedition'due south Jean Luc Picard.

fourteen) "Bargain with it" (2010)


"Deal with it" is a smug dismissal that probably originated on Something Awful, a message board that was once a major incubator of meme culture, before becoming more widely used in the early part of the decade. You can merely tell someone to "bargain with it," or yous tin can utilise its visual equivalent: a pair of pixelated sunglasses, placed on top of a photograph of a person or creature of your choice to brand them expect smug.

It may be a spiritual descendant of "Sorry not sorry" from the 2000s or a niece of "talk to the manus" from the 1990s, only "deal with it" doesn't even bother with insincere apologies or invitations. The eyes may be the windows to the soul, but once the sunglasses are on, the soul is closed for business.

15) The "like" (2009)

Facebook was not the first to innovate the concept of the "similar" to the Internet. In that location already were "diggs" on Digg.com, upvotes on Reddit and likes on FriendFeed, a social media feed aggregator that was later acquired by Facebook.

But Facebook's like, introduced in 2009, helped to change the Internet by quantifying what it ways to go viral. (Instead of but being "popular online," at that place was now a universally understood metric.) The like too helped drive the ascent of online influencers and propel misinformation around the Internet. Online popularity now had a currency: If something or someone managed to accumulate a ton of likes, it was rewarded with prominence. Crucially, the like was not correlated with truth or accurateness or societal value. It was a unit for an emotional reaction. You got rich by provoking as big a reaction as you could.

Likes became so powerful that some sites, including Facebook-owned Instagram, are now figuring out ways to minimize their influence by hiding them from users. But undoing the result of the like will non exist a simple task. We will be untangling just what exactly it did to the Spider web, and to u.s., for a long time.

16) "What are thooooose!?" (2015)

"Officer, I got one question for you." The off-camera voice belongs to Brandon Moore, a.grand.a. Young Busco. He's filming a police officer, who is standing on a curb by a patrol car. The officeholder looks over. Moore so tilts his camera lens up toward the sky, as if winding up for the punchline, before panning down to the officer's chunky-soled black shoes and screaming, "What are thoooooooooose!?"

A version of the video went viral on Vine, where it was watched millions of times, remixed with the Jurassic Park theme song and repeated in real life to anyone with questionable shoe choices. With "What are thooooose!?" Moore (who died in 2018) showed how fun information technology can exist to dunk on older folks with an idiom extracted from an Internet subculture. Before TikTok had "OK boomer," Vine had "What are thooooose!?"

17) 😂 (2015)

Emoji accept become part of our language. And one of the near popular among them is the "confront with tears of joy" emoji, which was named Oxford Dictionaries' "discussion of the year" in 2015.

Like whatever good emoji, "confront with tears of joy" has multiple meanings and uses. It tin exist used to lighten an embarrassing moment or to admit an extremely funny joke. "Face with tears of joy" can become an insult when deployed during an argument to show that your opponent'south point of view is and then ridiculous that it'south making y'all laugh till you weep. Information technology's used as both a word and a punctuation mark.

xviii) Nope (2010)


"Nope" every bit a reaction began on Reddit, co-ordinate to Know Your Meme, in the hallowed halls of r/WTF, where people mail images that make you desire to terminate existing. "Nope" is a prayer for an eject push button, a modern version of waving a crucifix at some unholy presence. Y'all can "nope nope nope" away from a picture of a giant insect. Y'all tin can nope out of a situation that has become a trap.

On other social platforms, "nope" has taken the form of a GIF of Homer Simpson disappearing astern into a hedge. There'southward too the "nope octopus," a little cephalopod scampering across the seafloor as if fleeing. There's a Beyoncé nope, a SpongeBob nope — even a secondary "Simpsons" nope, in which Abe Simpson enters a burlesque house, takes off his hat, notices that his grandson is working the door, spins in a circumvolve, collects his hat and walks right out the door again.

xix) "Lol nothing matters" (2013)

The most famous GIF from Cat Frazier's "Animated Text" project. (Cat Frazier)

(Cat Frazier)

The cheerful, spinning letters are a throwback to the Internet's GeoCities days, when GIFs mainly existed to brand your personal website ugly and chaotic. Now it'southward the earth that looks ugly and cluttered, and the nihilistic mantra "lol zero matters" (rendered in that aforementioned Spider web 1.0 style) feels like a breath of fresh air.

"Lol nil matters" captures the bleakness and joy of giving up, the feeling of panic and nervous laughter that yous can't concord dorsum when you realize the viral story you shared with all your friends near a helpmate who stole $30,000 in donations from her wedding guests was just a marketing stunt for a "social media drama" website.

The GIF, created by True cat Frazier, was part of her Animated Text project on Tumblr (the project at present lives on Twitter likewise). In 2013, Gawker celebrated the GIF as the "GIF to finish all GIFs," the i GIF that was "an appropriate reaction to 99% of things one sees on the Internet."

20) "Delete your account" (2015)

Hillary Clinton tried to apply memes when she was running for president. She succeeded once: In 2016, Clinton's account quote-tweeted then-candidate Donald Trump and wrote, "Delete your account."

"Delete your account" is the new "go fly a kite." Information technology's a retort that means you've said something so dumb or bad that y'all should exit the room and maybe never come back.

Know Your Meme notes that "delete your account" probably goes dorsum to at to the lowest degree 2008. But information technology became a major meme in 2015, when the New York Times's Twitter account suggested putting peas in guacamole. People online met that proffer with one of their ain.

As of this writing, the New York Times still has an operational Twitter account, as does Donald Trump.

21) "We were all rooting for y'all" (2005)

At this point, reality TV exists basically to generate reaction memes. I of the most famous of those is Tyra Banks'south passionate criticism of a contestant on "America'southward Next Top Model."

"I was rooting for you," Banks told Tiffany Richardson in a 2005 episode. "We were all rooting for you lot, how dare you." The moment endured online as a GIF that can assist you react when your fave becomes problematic or when someone has an incorrect opinion almost pizza toppings.

22) PewDiePie playing Amnesia (2010)

This reaction doesn't eddy down to a specific moment, but it marked a turning signal in the gaming industry and the career of the man who would become YouTube's most popular creator: PewDiePie, a.chiliad.a. Felix Kjellberg.

Back in 2010, he was a guy who filmed his reactions to playing scary games online — particularly Amnesia, a horror game where your role player is pursued by powerful monsters, just cannot fight them and instead must run or hibernate.

PewDiePie was one of the early on creators to find success off "permit'southward plays," or videos where yous can picket a gamer of varying skill play through a game and react to it. You wouldn't take Ninja without YouTubers similar PewDiePie and their talent for turning playing video games, and reacting to them, into popular content. Video game companies are at present making games that are designed not only to exist played, merely likewise reacted to.

23) Squee (circa 2000-2005)

In online culture, a "squee" is an expression of joy, particularly in the fandoms of the early 2000s Internet. You "squeed" over the new Harry Potter book, over the fictional characters you "shipped," over a particularly good piece of fan art.

When Oxford English language Dictionary added the Net version of "squee" in 2016, its lexicographers traced the origins of the word dorsum to a 1998 Usenet post from an excited Star Wars fan. Only it wasn't until afterwards the turn of the millennium that its popularity took off.

Like anything associated with how young women express themselves online, "squee" has been derided by many adults as cringe-y and silly. But regardless of how yous feel about the word, "squee" and the fandoms that popularized it helped to shape the culture of the modern Net.

24) "Leave Britney Lone" (2007)

Back in the mid-aughts, YouTube culture was rougher, weirder and more than personal — less a platform for make-building celebrities, more a sandbox for freewheeling fans. This was the surround in which teenager Chris Crocker posted a tearful video in which he asked the world to leave Britney (Spears) alone, after her lackluster functioning at the MTV Video Music Awards.

At the time of the video, Crocker had a growing Myspace and YouTube following — one built, he afterwards said, on his want to be his true self on the Net when he didn't feel he could do this in real life. Simply the "Leave Britney Alone" video went as viral equally Spears's performance, resulting in an unprecedented corporeality of attention, during which, on and offline, his emotions, words and gender expression were ruthlessly mocked.

The attending cycle that followed Crocker's infamous video is 1 that should also be familiar to us today. An audition, hungry for a person to destroy, turned a kid into a viral joke, with little regard for the pain and distress that becoming an online laughingstock tin cause. Back in 2007, we had the excuse of newness to mitigate the enthusiasm of the cruel feeding frenzy. That alibi no longer exists.


Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2019/12/30/most-important-viral-reactions-internet-past-years/

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